Ever followed a tweaker board...You know what I'm talking about if you have been on baby boards. Test tweaking is a place where TTC (trying to conceive ) mothers post their home pregnancy tests (HPT) in order to see an early result by an image tweak. Tweakers use various photo programs to analyze your HPT to see if we can pull out a faint pink line for an early BFP!! Learn how to tweak your own tests or to help out the fellow tweakers out there!!
To start upload your image to a photo editing site such as photobucket or picmonkey. I prefere Picmonkey.
Original Picture uploaded to PICMONKEY
To Start go to the sharpen tool and adjust clarity then hit apply!
The go to the exposure tool and adjust the highlight tool and play with the brightness, shadows and contrast.
And viola... a nice pink line. This will not work if you are not pregnant.
Happy Tweaking!!